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International journal of Immunopathology, allergology, infectology.

Evaluation of acute pancreatitis depending on the level of IgE

Ryabin N.S., Druzhinina T.A., Levashova O.A., Ivacheva N.A.

Research Institute of Nutrition, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow

Introduction of modern technologies in the food industry contributes to the growth of allergic reactions to food and to a change in the etiological structure of food allergies. In this regard, the urgent clarification of the spectrum of modern causal important food allergens that cause exacerbation of atopic dermatitis (AD) in children
The research allowed to reveal the most significant food allergens underlying the development of atopic dermatitis. Study of the levels of allergen specific IgE - and IgG-antibodies in the serum showed high titers of antibodies to whole protein of cow’s milk, it factions b ëàêòîãëîáóëèíó, a-ëàêòîàëüáóìèíó, casein, and also to different foodstuffs (peas, apples, tomatoes and others). Comprehensive sent to the Allergy inspection has significantly improved the program compilation of personalized diets.
The studied parameters of cytokine status largely depended on the severity of atopic dermatitis, and the severity of the disease correlated with the presence of food allergies. Showed a significant decrease of IL-10 and increase of IL-4, IL-5 serum.


Food allergy, atopic dermatitis, children

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Ryabin N.S., Druzhinina T.A., Levashova O.A., Ivacheva N.A. Immunopathology, allergology, infectology 2013; 4:28-30. DOI: 10.14427/jipai.2013.4.28