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Notice to contributorsThe editorial board welcomes manuscripts consistent with aims and scope of the journal. Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original and unpublished and not being considered for publication elsewhere. The responsible author must ensure that the article has been seen and approved by all the other authors. Papers accepted for publication become the copyright of the journal and will not be returned. The articles published in the journal are protected by copyright, which covers translation rights and the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute all the articles printed in the journal. All articles will be subject to peer-review by one or more referees, prominent experts in the field of study. Authors are invited to propose 3 potential reviewers in their submission letter. Authorship and Contributions SubmissionsAll authors (i.e., the corresponding author and each coauthor) must complete and submit an Authorship Form with signed statements on Authorship Responsibility, Criteria, and Contributions; Confirmation of Reporting Conflicts of Interest and Funding; In addition, authors are required to identify their contributions to the work described in the manuscript. Authorship Forms will be sent to authors for completion after manuscripts have been submitted. For reports of original data and systematic reviews, authors’ specific contributions will be published in the Acknowledgment section. All other persons who have made substantial contributions to the work reported in this manuscript (eg, data collection, analysis, or writing or editing assistance) but who do not fulfill the authorship criteria should be named with their specific contributions and affiliations in an Acknowledgment in the manuscript. Written permission to include the names of individuals in the Acknowledgment section must be obtained. The authors also must certify that the manuscript represents valid work and that neither this manuscript nor one with substantially similar content under their authorship has been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere. Authors of manuscripts reporting original data or systematic reviews must provide an access to data statement from at least 1 named author, often the corresponding author. If requested, authors should be prepared to provide the data and must cooperate fully in obtaining and providing the data on which the manuscript is based for examination by the editors or their assignees. Peer reviewEvery submitted materials published in the «Nephrology» has been peer reviewed. The manuscript, presented by the author, is sent for review by the members of the editorial Board, that supervised the theme of this volume, or the professional expert in the same field, having the degree Doctor of Science. All reviewers are acknowledged experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have in the last 3 years some publications on the subject of peer-reviewed article. The reviewers provide critiques and advice that the editorial Board uses in making decisions. Reviews are kept in editorial Board within 5 years. The peer review is confidential. The peer reviewed process is closed and is given to the author upon his written request without a signature and the name, position and affiliation of the reviewer. The peer review may be submitted upon request of the expert councils of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. Conflicts of Interest and Financial DisclosuresA conflict of interest may exist when an author (or the author’s institution or employer) has financial or personal relationships or affiliations that could influence (or bias) the author’s decisions, work, or manuscript. All authors should include conflict of interest disclosures in the Acknowledgment section of the submitted manuscript. Authors are expected to provide detailed information about all relevant financial interests, activities, relationships, and affiliations (other than those affiliations listed in the title page of the manuscript) including, but not limited to, employment, affiliation, grants received or pending or funding, consultancies, honoraria or payment, speakers’ bureaus, stock ownership or options, expert testimony, royalties, donation of medical equipment, or patents planned, pending, or issued. The definitions and terms of such disclosures include Any potential conflicts of interest «involving the work under consideration for publication» (during the time involving the work, from initial conception and planning to present), Any «relevant financial activities outside the submitted work» (over the 3 years prior to submission), and Any «other relationships or activities that readers could perceive to have influenced, or that give the appearance of potentially influencing» what is written in the submitted work (based on all relationships that were present during the 3 years prior to submission). For all accepted manuscripts, the corresponding author will have been asked to confirm that each coauthor’s disclosures of conflicts of interest and relevant financial interests, activities, relationships, and affiliations and declarations of no such interests are accurate, up-to-date, and consistent with the disclosures reported in the Acknowledgment section of the manuscript because this information will be published in the Acknowledgment section of the article. Authors also are required to report detailed information regarding all financial and material support for the research and work, including but not limited to grant support, funding sources, and provision of equipment and supplies, in the Acknowledgment section of the manuscript. Funding/Support and Role of SponsorAll financial and material support for the research and the work should be clearly and completely identified in an Acknowledgment section of the manuscript. The specific role of the funding organization or sponsor in each of the following should be specified: «design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication. Data Access, Responsibility, and AnalysisFor all reports (regardless of funding source) containing original data, at least 1 named author (eg, the principal investigator), and no more than 2 authors, must indicate that she or he «had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.This exact statement should be included in the Acknowledgment section at the end of the manuscript. Modified statements or generic statements indicating that all authors had such access are not acceptable. In addition, for all reports containing original data, the names and affiliations of all authors (or other individuals) who conducted and are responsible for the data analysis must be indicated in the Acknowledgment section of the manuscript. If the individual who conducted the analysis is not named as an author, a detailed explanation of his/her contributions and reasons for his/her involvement with the data analysis should be included. Acknowledgment SectionThe «Acknowledgment section» is the general term for the list of contributions, disclosures, credits, and other information included at the end of the text of a manuscript but before the references. The Acknowledgment section includes authors’ contributions; information on author access to data; disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, including financial interests, activities, relationships, and affiliations; sources of funding and support; an explanation of the role of sponsor(s); information on independent statistical analysis (if required); names, degrees, and affiliations of participants in a large study or other group; any important disclaimers; information on previous presentation of the information reported in the manuscript; listing of supplemental material; and the contributions, names, degrees, affiliations, and indication if compensation has been received for all persons who have made substantial contributions to the work but who are not authors. Authors must obtain written permission to include the names of all individuals included in the Acknowledgment section. Publication charge is not applied for articles originating from CIS states, or if the corresponding author subscribes to the journal. The journal «Immunopathology, Allergology, Infectology» assumes no responsibilities for the statements made by its contributors. Manuscript submission guidelinesSubmitted manuscripts should conform with the «Uniform
requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals».
(Ann Intern Med 1997;126:36-47.)
Authors are responsible for recognising and disclosing financial and other conflicts of interest that may bias their work. EthicsWhen reporting experiments on human subjects, indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional or regional) or with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as amended in 1983. |