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International journal of Immunopathology, allergology, infectology.

Clinical and immunological aspects in pathogenesis of the lichen planus

Karaulov A.V., Kil’djushevskij A.V., Molochkova Yu.V.

A clinical and immunological survey of 40 patients with subacute and chronic lichen planus (LP) was held. During immunophenotypic study, it was found, that in the subacute stage of the disease (from 1 to 6 months) immuno-inflammatory process was caused mainly by T lymphocytes with phenotype CD8 with their possible transendothelial migration. In the chronic phase (after 6 months) of the disease increase in the number of natural killer cells with the phenotype CD16 in association with integrin adhesion molecule CD11b gains in the importance of the autoimmune process.
In such a way, lichenoid eruptions, underlying in the typical clinical picture of the LP are accompanied by various immune disorders in subacute and chronic phases of the disease.


Lichen planus, immunological disorders

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Karaulov A.V., Kil’djushevskij A.V., Molochkova Yu.V. Immunopathology, allergology, infectology 2014; 2:66-73