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International journal of Immunopathology, allergology, infectology.

Polymorphism -511C / T gene IL1B and atopic dermatitis

Maximova Y.V., Svechnikova E.V., Maximov V.N., Kolesnik K.N., Lykova S.G.

1 Novosibirsk State Medical University
2 Federal State Budgetary of Scientific Institution «Institution of Internal and Preventive Medicine»

Objective: to evaluate the association of polymorphism -511C / T (rs16944) gene IL1B with atopic dermatitis (AD) in the Russian population.
Materials and methods. A group of patients with AD (100 people, 25% of boys / men, 75% of girls / women). As a control, taken two groups: 1) population sample of 25-35 year old residents of Oktyabrsky district of Novosibirsk, 100 people, 2) a group of secondary school students, 100 people. Genomic DNA was isolated from venous blood by phenol-chloroform extraction. Genotyping was performed on the published procedure.
Results. When comparing the treatment groups in frequency of genotypes rs16944 received a significant difference (p = 0.043). However, the separation by gender was found that men with AD are no significant differences when compared with the control group. The odds ratio in female carriers of the genotype CT to get into a group with AD is 2.7 times higher than in carriers of the other two genotypes (95% CI 1.5-4.7, p = 0.001).
Conclusion. Polymorphism rs16944 (-511C / T) gene IL-1β is associated with atopic dermatitis in women. Carriage CT genotype increases the risk of AD in women. In men, the association was not found.


Atopic dermatitis, gene, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), -511C/T, rs16944, IL1B

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Maximova Y.V., Svechnikova E.V., Maximov V.N., Kolesnik K.N., Lykova S.G. Immunopathology, allergology, infectology 2015; 2:35-38