Influence of bacterial and viral infections on pathology of ENT organs in adults and children
Molotilov B.A., Baranova N.I., Alekseeva N.U.
PIUV – a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Ministry of Health, Penza
Frequent acute respiratory infections with a prolonged course and frequent exacerbations contribute to the development of chronic ENT diseases in children and adults, and this trend continues to increase. This particularly affects frequently ill children, whose diseases are characterized by a higher level in comparison with healthy peers. According to various authors in Russia, the share of frequently ill children in the general population ranges from 14 to 50%. Acute respiratory viral infections are the main reason of morbidity in children and adults leading to complications and ENT pathology development; their basic complications are chronic rhinosinusitis of bacterial and viral nature and chronic polyposis rhinosinusitis. The article describes the main reasons for the development of these diseases.