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International journal of Immunopathology, allergology, infectology.

Evaluation of cytotoxicity of pharmaceutical substances using cell cultures

Danchenko E.Î.

The article describes methods to evaluate the cytotoxicity of various pharmaceutical substances. Considered definitions relevant to the concept of cytotoxicity. To assess the cytotoxic effect of hepatotropic preparations proposed three-stage procedure, which includes 1) the study of direct cytotoxic effect of drugs using cells with a reduced endoplasmic reticulum, and 2) to study the indirect (mediated) cytotoxic effect of drugs on the secretion of cytokines, and 3) to study the cytotoxic effect of drugs during their biotransformation hepatocytes in primary culture (the biosynthesis of DNA, protein, apoptosis, necrosis). The study shows the cytotoxicity of methods for the study of phagocytosis in connection with the NBT-test, as well as research methods cytotoxic effects of pharmaceutical substances in the culture of transformed cells and methods for studying the content of free amino acids in tissue lymphocytes.


Cytotoxicity, phagocytosis, neutrophils, lymphocytes, cytokines, apoptosis, necrosis

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Danchenko E.Î. Immunopathology, allergology, infectology 2012; 2:22-30