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International journal of Immunopathology, allergology, infectology.

Significance of the innate immunity Toll-like receptors in development of obstetric and gynecological disorders

Lebedeva O.P., Pakhomov S.P., Karpov P.A., Churnosov M.I., Kalutsky P.V., Popov V.N.

The review considers recent data on Toll-like receptors functions in female reproductive tract and their role in development of obstetric and gynecological disorders: infertility, miscarriages, gestosis, tumors of female reproductive system, as well as pathology of newborns.


Toll-like receptors, chlamydiosis, miscarriages, infertility, tumors of female reproductive system, sexually transmitted diseases.

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Lebedeva O.P., Pakhomov S.P., Karpov P.A., Churnosov M.I., Kalutsky P.V., Popov V.N. Immunopathology, allergology, infectology 2012; 1:19-26