2014 ¹4 |
Batpenova G.R., Aimoldina A.A., Kotlyarova T.V., Tarkina T.V., Sadykova G.Z., Kazyeva A.S.
The importance of oxidative stress and immunological disturbances in vitiligo.
Niyazov D.D., Fedenko1 E.S., Boldyreva M.N., Kovrigina A.M., Trofimov D.Yu.
Local immune response in severe atopic dermatitis and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma patients.
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2014 ¹4 |
Neuroimmunology |
Polyvyanaya O.Yu., Morozova V.S., Levashova A.I., Myagkova M.A., Moseykin I.A.
Markers changes of humoral immunity in patients with dorsalgia and their relationship with age.
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2014 ¹4 |
micology |
Sokolova T.V., Gazaryan O. L., Malyarchuk A.P.
Candidiasis of large folds: new approach to an old problem.
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2014 ¹4 |
Sergeev A.Y., Burceva G.N., Sergeev V.Y.
Cutaneous staphylococci: fighting the bacterial resistance in treatment of common inflammatory skin disease.
Fedin A.V. Baranova N.I., Druginina T.A. Pochinina N.K.
Immunological aspects of pathogenesis of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis: identifying criteria of chronicity of the process.
Afanasiev S.S., Karaulov A.V., Aleshkin V.A., Voropaeva E.A., Afanasiev M.S., Nesvizhskiy Yu.V., Egorova E.A., Aleshkin A.V., Metelskaya V.A., Grechishnikova O.G., Bairakova A.L., Urban Yu.N., Evsegneeva I.V.
Monitoring of antibiotic resistance as an objective diagnostic and epidemiological criteria of infectious process.
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2014 ¹4 |
Novikov D.K., Velichinskaya O.G.
The efficiency and safety estimation of intradermal autoserumhistaminotherapy in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria.
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2014 ¹4 |
Mucosal immunity |
Karpuk I.Yu.
Role of proteins of the saliva for the mucosal immunity.